Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Word to the WISE!!

Well what can I say about my up and coming birthday! Do I sing the blues or get up and celebrate? I am fast approaching the ending of my thirties and embarking my forties. I would like to think I am young at heart and given with my personality, I am funny at times and love a good time with my friends and family. So, what can I REALLY say about turning 40....I am glad that I have taken really good care of my skin, watched what I eat, and know how to budget with money. When your younger, these things mean nothing to you!! So, if you are much younger and reading this take heed of what I am saying to you as a reader. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend that has had her share of many moments of life events that can cause much stress. Stress can weaken our immune systems, cause hormone imbalances, and just plain make you sick!! If you do not take care of yourself and your body, it will not take care of you!

I am learning to find time for myself and give myself some time to pamper this aging body of mine. I am enjoying that my son is getting older and I am done with the baby stage. Of course, I miss those little moments of  1st times discoveries and the , I can not live without mommy episodes. My son is independent and very much a teenager in his own right.  I am loving that I have regained my love for beauty and makeup. Let's face it when we look good, we feel good! So, I am doing that and helping other women do the same for themselves. If you have a dream and a passion, never give up and give it your best! Always know that your teachable and can and will learn new things. If you stay close-minded, you will not succeed in the way you want. I hope you learn and see that getting older is a plus in many ways and you are never too old to pursue your dreams! So get up and do something you are passionate about!! You can do it and your going to be great at it!! Good luck to YOU!! Much love and hugs !!!

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