Friday, April 4, 2014

Updated NEWS!!

Sorry, I have been away for awhile! I have been busy with my makeup business and have had some jobs that have kept me busy. I am back and I have so many things that I would like to share with you! For starters, I did a photo shoot for a clothing company in February with a fellow makeup artist that is a dear friend of mine. We had a great time and the pictures turned out beautiful!!

I have found that working with other fellow makeup artists can be very fun and educational. Everyone has so much talent and expertise to bring and when you put that all together artistic wise, the world of creativity opens up. I love seeing all talents working together, bringing a project to its very best. Here is a sample of what great talent can do when they create together....

The pictures above were part of a great photo shoot with Cassie Wright-Photographer, Mikel Cain- Hair , and me, Joy Carey- Makeup. Red Dress Boutique is a great clothing company that offers many great styles and great prices. Please check out their website-- .

I am very proud of my work that I did and even more proud of the great opportunity that I was given. You should check out this great photographer, Cassie Wright.
All together, we made a great team along with the beautiful models with a great business woman of a great company! I love working as a team.  

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